What are the best driving gloves?

Kinja'd!!! "Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire" (arch-duke-maxyenko)
01/23/2014 at 18:33 • Filed to: crowdsource the blip

Kinja'd!!!0 Kinja'd!!! 17

Since mine are !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! , what should I get. I really liked those gloves, but what do you guys suggest?



Kinja'd!!! AndersSim - V10'ING > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 18:41



Ultimate badass. Every man's MAN-crush, besides Leo.

For your shopping needs: The gloves.

Kinja'd!!! Nighthawkwill7, Hoon Depot Manager > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 18:43


Someone of here recommended these to me. I don't own a pair yet but I tried them on at a Nordstrom and they felt quite nice.


Kinja'd!!! Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire > Nighthawkwill7, Hoon Depot Manager
01/23/2014 at 18:46


There is a Nordstrom near my house, I'll check them out!

Kinja'd!!! McLarry > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 18:46


I'd be interested to know how many opponauts wear gloves when driving. I've never tried it so sadly I have no recommendations for new gloves for you, Arch Duke, but I'd be interested in your (and everyone else's) opinion of if and how much they help (and why) in today's cars.

Kinja'd!!! AndersSim - V10'ING > McLarry
01/23/2014 at 18:49


I only wear driving gloves in the winter, you can probably guess why, and the only reason I chose driving gloves over normal gloves is that you have better grip in the steering wheel, and of course you look cool.

Kinja'd!!! desertdog5051 > McLarry
01/23/2014 at 18:50


Yeah, me too. I have never worn gloves when driving on the street.

Kinja'd!!! Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire > McLarry
01/23/2014 at 18:52


I wore mine everyday. Leather steering wheel and solid aluminum ball shifter get cold and hot, the gloves help there. They also keep your skin oils away from the wheel.

Kinja'd!!! Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/23/2014 at 18:52


We're sorry! This style is sold out.


Kinja'd!!! N/A POWAAAHH > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 18:53


Lowly Gentlemen driving gloves?

Kinja'd!!! Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire > N/A POWAAAHH
01/23/2014 at 18:56


Bit much.

Kinja'd!!! Saloon_Hoon > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 19:10


sorry about the loss of your ///M gloves - while mine are nothing special, I got a set of Eastman batting gloves I wore when Auto/Rally-crossing - I usually buy a size smaller so they're skin tight and break in over a few uses. Good grip, tactile feel and pretty cheap.

Kinja'd!!! Squid > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 19:32


I want to get a pair of driving gloves but I don't think there is a suitable non-leather solution out there for me. I especially want some now that I have a Miata and can look the part of the douchebag that wears hot pink sunglasses and drives around in a Miata blasting death metal all the time. . .

Sucks about your gloves hopefully you find an acceptable replacement.

Kinja'd!!! CPT Speedbump > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 20:13


Personally, I've never found leather gloves that were comfy for me, I drive wearing mechanic gloves, though I do want to try on some Alpinestar racing gloves just to see what they're like, lol

Kinja'd!!! TwoFortified > AndersSim - V10'ING
01/23/2014 at 20:23


Didn't much care for that film (though, as a matter of pure irony, I do like the actor).

I'll see myself out.

Kinja'd!!! Agrajag > Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire
01/23/2014 at 21:29


I recommend these all the time. The leather is ridiculously soft, just make sure to use their sizing method. I have the ones in the link Nighthawk provided.


Here they are protecting my hands from the perils of cookie consumption.

I actually just ordered these but I'm still waiting for them to arrive. They won't necessarily be for driving, more just a fancy glove for duel starting and the likes.

Kinja'd!!! Arch Duke Maxyenko, Shit Talk Extraordinaire > Agrajag
01/23/2014 at 21:34


I shall venture to the mall tomorrow!!!!

Kinja'd!!! yung bramblepelt > McLarry
01/30/2014 at 09:29


My preference leans strongly toward well-ventilated and thinner gloves (I have sweaty hands and I like my fingers to remain tactile). Basically the brown "driving gloves" that you think of when you think of classic driving gloves.

I wear them in the winter to drive (dat cold steering wheel) and on longer drives (it just grips better).